I Posted All My Medium Writing Drafts

2 min readJun 23, 2021

Vulnerability while writing can engage readers.

I posted all my writing drafts that were incomplete on Medium. I did this to show vulnerability. I took Ayodeji Awosika 5 day free course on being a successful writer on Medium. He shared some great information and I agree from a business perspective. In a nutshell he talks about writing for your audience and/or finding out what your audience wants to read. He shared early on that most people start writing like a diary and wonder why people aren’t reading and their not being compensated. I laughed because I thought “damn that’s me”. If you want to make an income from writing it’s definitely going to take more than writing your feelings.

I posted all my writing drafts because we’re often so critical of ourselves that we don’t share our thoughts. I myself wonder

“Did I say that right”

“ Is that offensive”

“ Who is the reader”

These thoughts can stop you from ever publishing an article. I decided that although I’m always open to additional income streams, that’s not my focus on this site. My focus on this site is to create unique targeted content regarding my businesses to rank in SEO. What that means is I’m going to provide specific information relating to several categories like Real Estate, Learning disabilities like Autism and Spirituality to name a few. In hopes that this information will reach the right people and potentially gain business from it. I know that everyone won’t be interested and that’s fine because I am aiming at a target market.

Feel free to chime in if you know SEO and the Medium Algorithm.

Are there people on Medium that want to read about educating a child with a disability? Are there people on Medium who want to read about investing in real estate? Let me know your thoughts on these subjects and if this is a good site to include information on specific subjects like this. If you caught any of my writing drafts great, now they will be gone forever..release, release, release.

